Over the years I've built up a list of collateral. I usually share this list with the people I coach and mentor


  • User Story Mapping - One of the best techniques I know to help you get an MVP.

  • Dont Make Me Think - One of the first books I read when I started working for public sector clients. Helps you think differently when creating services and how making things simple and understanding users needs are key.

  • 50 quick ideas to improve you user stories - Want to understand how to create user stories so they are independent and at the same time small enough for the team to complete in a relatively short period of time? If you can do this you can demonstrate to stakeholders you are moving towards your outcomes. This is the book.

  • Walking Skeleton - It's the approach I learn't from the now Digital Services CTO @Kainos, Rory. It's the approach all product managers need to understand to ensure speedy delivery of outcomes. Your tech counterpart can be a great help here so work with them....

  • Build Better Products - I seen Laura at a conference back in 2016 in San Fran, she is not only an engaging speaker but really focuses on Delivering products people want to use over and over again

  • The Phoenix Project - Agile, Lean, are not methodologies. They don't have a prescribed set of steps that are the winning formula. This box helps you quickly understand the mind shift change that you will need to make things successfully work

Starting a community

Sites and blogs

  • Government Digital Services - Where it all started for me. I was on one of their first exemplars where Government departments were changing the way they delivered services to UK citizens. I got to work along side the old guard, and learnt so much in a short space of time. Believe it or not the UK Government are ahead in their thinking compared to their private sector counterparts

  • Mind The Product - You have every product topic under the sun covered here. They also like to keep up with the latest trends

  • Industry Product Conference - Ok its a conference site, but there are some great videos on here

  • Intercom - Big on sharing their own learnings. They have a blog and podcast which covers a wide range of topics, not just product management

  • Roman Pichler - I been on his leadership course and continue to go back to the GO Roadmap, GO Portfolio and the Product Canvas


Some of these I've seen live, and I often recommend the talks

My Vimeo Recommended Channel

My YouTube Recommended Channel